And, just like that I finished my 3rd week of this PiYo Casting Call! Just 5 more weeks to go until I submit my FINAL results!
I am still LOVING the program and I've been doing it for a few weeks even before I started this Casting Call challenge! :-) But, I also have to tell you that if you really want results in fitness, nutrition is really KEY! They say abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym! With that I have really had to take a FOCUS on my nutrition because that is the hardest part for me! But, is it possible! Of course it is!
Focusing on your nutrition does not mean you never get to have a cinnamon roll or ice cream, french fries, or pizza ever again! You can still have those things but it's all about moderation in life! You eat clean 90% of the time and then know that when you work hard to eat clean the remainder of the week you can have that treat meal where you have whatever you want and not feel bad about it. :-) There is a quote that says, "One bad meal won't make you fat, just like one good meal won't make you skinny!"
The first two weeks I cut out all cheats or treats not because I necessarily wanted to deprive myself but I wanted to prove to myself that I was strong enough to do it and I DID IT! This last week for my 3rd week I allowed myself a treat meal of pasta with my husband and did I have to feel bad about it? NO, I didn't! Because I still worked hard and ate clean the remainder of the time!
The PiYo Nutrition plan isn't hard to follow! It's really easy and it if you take the time to meal plan and meal prep it is even easier! You have a list of all the foods you can eat and then you know how many of each foods you can have and there you have it! You aren't starving! I am plenty full and satisfied following the plan. It is the basics of living a healthy lifestyle to implement and make a habit in your life!
With that are you read to see my 3 week results!?!
Here you go!
And, here are my three week stats:
Weight: 132.7 (-3.5 lbs.)
Chest: 33 (-1.5")
Biceps: L 11 7/8 (-1/8") R 11 7/8 (-1/8")
Waist: 28 (-1")
Belly: 32 (-1.5")
Hips: 38 (-1")
Thighs: L 22 (-3/4") R 22 3/4 (-3/4")
Calves: L 14 (-1/2") R 14 1/4 (-1/4")
I am very proud of the results I have had in knowing that I have done it by consistently eating healthy and getting my workouts in! But, the best part is I don't have to starve myself or workout endlessly! I get to eat plenty and I only have to workout for 20-50 minutes a day! PiYo is a low impact but high intensity workout. I'm not beating up my body to get these results! Do I work hard! YES! Are some of the workouts hard? YES! But,is it worth it? YES! :-)
Happy Transformation Tuesday!
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